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What exactly is "The Wealth Zone"?

"The Wealth Zone" is a radio program dedicated to enlightening listeners about building generational wealth through real estate. We focus on the importance of preserving inherited properties and provide insights into finding alternative funding for property repairs when traditional banks aren't an option.

Do I need to be in good shape to start training in Jiu Jitsu?

The Wealth Zone airs every Friday at noon EST. If you can't tune in live, we offer recordings on our website so you can listen at your convenience.

How does "The Wealth Zone" help listeners find funding?

We have a network of experts discussing various funding avenues beyond traditional banking. Our program provides information on grants, private lenders, and other financial institutions that might be willing to help when banks say no.

Is "The Wealth Zone" appropriate for someone with little to no experience in real estate?

Absolutely! Our program is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of your experience level. We cover basics for beginners and delve into more complex topics for seasoned real estate enthusiasts.

Can "RHS3 AFA" provide personalized financial advice?

While we offer a wealth of knowledge and can guide you to resources, we recommend consulting with us for a one-one chat for advice tailored to your personal situation. Just click the button at the top to schedule an appointment.

Can "The Wealth Zone" help me understand the tax implications of inheriting property?

We frequently cover tax-related topics and have experts explain the implications and benefits related to real estate inheritance. However, it's best to consult with a tax professional for specific tax advice.